Your name:  Grant Marriott
 Program (or project title)name:  Shamanism and
LiLife-waysor our Changing World
I have tried to answer what I can with in the time I
have today. hope this helps.

1A. Did your program (or project)include Art?
 (Major emphasis)
 Yes, art is a huge form of expression for me.      

1B. If yes, how was Art included in your program (or
 project)?  I have done extensive photography for this
years project, in digital form that is.  I also have
ongoing "living art" projects that evolve with time,
manifesting I suppose as a co-creation with spirit and
my immediate community.  Life is art in many unseen
ways.  I have created many things this year from
renovating dwelling spaces, making wines, personal
artifacts, photographing the inherent beauty in life
and documenting change and growth in my environment to
name a few.  Life is my classroom.  If the teachings
and lessons I receive are shared (though my
interactions, be it a presentation in this course or
fostering others) in creative ways, we are all the
better for it.

2A. Did your program (or project) include Science
and/or Mathematics? Yes - to some extent
Minor emphasis
2B. If yes, how was Science and/or Mathematics
included in your program (or project)?
I would say that my use of math and particularly
science is in a soft and non-abrasive manor.
I chose to look in depth at ancient life-ways and
their interaction with the totality of life.  For me,
math and science have yet to explain the truths of
reality which are only seen through experience.  To
know the detailed parts of a desert shrub and its'
Latin name is far different the being able to grow it
on a shady north facing slope in a wet climate.  I
guess I am stating that I tried to apply my experience
and intuition as a sort working knowledge, not worry
about specifics, textbook theory and linear thinking.

> 3A. Did your program (or project) include
> Humanities? Yes
> (Major emphasis)
> 3B. If yes, how were the Humanities included in your
> program(or project)?  I live in a community.  On a
daily basis I have tried to engage in the world by
emboding the spirit of ancient life-ways. It is
challenging.  To try and live a village lifestyle,
forever working to improve the greater good as well as
the individual is no small task.  I went to Zimbabwe
to visit my roots this winter and see how other
peoples live on a day to day basis.  How they teach,
feed, heal, council, mentor, and share with
each-other.  My project and my person have tried to
live and express these new understandings.

> 4A. Did your program (or project)include Social
> Sciences? Not sure what to say here.
> (Major emphasis, Minor emphasis or No emphasis)
> 4B. If yes, how were the Social Sciences included in
> your program(or project)?
> 5A. Did your program(or project) include
> quantitative reasoning?  Not sure what to say here.
> 6A. Did your program(or project) include writing?
> (Minor emphasis)
> 6B. If yes, how was writing included in your
> program(or project)?  I have completed some poetry,
my thoughts for my presentation and a long-winded
> 7A. Did you use technology to present work, conduct
> research (including library research), or solve
> problems?
> (Minor emphasis)
> 7B. If yes, how did you do so?
>  With the use of digital media programs - a camera,
video camera, and a computer.  I also used the 'world
wide web' for research, e-mail and web-crossing and to
engage with my extended community.  I will be
presenting in a multi-media format.
> 8A. Did your program(or project) include activities
> designed to promote critical thinking?
> (Major emphasis, Minor emphasis or No emphasis)
> 8B. If yes, how were such activities included in
> your program(or project)?
> 9A. Did your program(or project) make an effort to
> address racism, sexism, clclassismor other forms of
> oppression?
> (Major emphasis)
> 9B. If yes, what strategies or activities did you(or
> your faculty team)use that worked well?  I would say
that by living that values and ethics I believe in and
constantly sharing positive energies I can help others
to help themselves and an inner and outer level.
Energy exchange is a powerful way to reach out and
touch someone,  asassuming it is done with heart and
good intention.
> 10A. Were there opportunities for you to do advanced
> work in this program(or project)?
> (?)
> 10B. If yes, please elaborate…
> I am not sure what is meant, but I will say that I
am always trying to improve my exexistence though
change and growth. Some-days seem like Masters Degree
level engagement and other days like a child playing
in the sand.