Your name: Oliver Freeman
Program (or project title)name:Exploring and Expanding in Art and Music
1A. Did your program (or project)include Art?  -Yes, studying art, doing art, learning the process of making art. 
1B. If yes, how was Art included in your program (or project)? -I spent the last two quarters composing music and doing art. This past quarter i have spent a lot of time learning how to and preparing my artwork for presentation. At the same time, i have made it a great effort to also study art for as i am doing here in Amsterdam. By attending as many art museums as i can, i hope to better understand what art really is. That it is more then just a picture or a scenery, that it is the extension of ones mind and soul.
2A. Did your program (or project) include Science and/or Mathematics?
None at all, except figuring out things as i hiked Hadriens Wall, using a compass and map

2B. If yes, how was Science and/or Mathematics included in your program (or project)?

3A. Did your program (or project) include Humanities?

3B. If yes, how were the Humanities included in your program(or project)?
I studied art, and in art you find humanities, for example art history. I spent two weeks in England and a week in Holland. As i attended art museums and walked hadriens wall i have been exposed to culture, to life.

4A. Did your program (or project)include Social Sciences?
(Major emphasis, Minor emphasis or No emphasis)

4B. If yes, how were the Social Sciences included in your program(or project)?

5A. Did your program(or project) include quantitative reasoning?
(Major emphasis, Minor emphasis or No emphasis)
5B. If yes, how was quantitative reasoning included in your program(or project)?

6A. Did your program(or project) include writing?
6B. If yes, how was writing included in your program(or project)?
I have been keeping a journal and also writing lyrics for un-made music. The journal is a good documentary of my travels and my thoughts throughout my patience time. The lyrics are just something more of a spare time thing, though i put my heart in what i write.

7A. Did you use technology to present work, conduct research (including library research), or solve problems?
yes. i had to plan and schedule my trip to europe, i had to do research on hadriens wall so that i knew what i was looking at. i studied maps and directions. researched how to do framing of art.
7B. If yes, how did you do so?
without computers, i'd have been screwed. my only way of contact to the world, and way to figure shit out, so i guess more of the internet.
8A. Did your program(or project) include activities designed to promote critical thinking?

8B. If yes, how were such activities included in your program(or project)?
everytime i stare at a blank sheet of paper, options are endless. I try and take things i see in life and things i read and collaborate them into my artwork. lyrics that i write for my music is written from observation of life. Life, figuring out life is my critical activity. figuring it out and trying to create something out of it

9A. Did your program(or project) make an effort to address racism, sexism, classism, or other forms of oppression?
9B. If yes, what strategies or activities did you(or your faculty team)use that worked well?
being in a different country as brought up a lot of different views. i have seen racism in a different country and how it is different, how life is treated differently. seeing these things has addressed these topics.

10A. Were there opportunities for you to do advanced work in this program(or project)?
yes. advanced work in my case is doing more work, is spending more time doing my art and music. i have always strived for success in my life, and i consider everything i do advance work. i have tried to push myself this quarter very hard and strong. this course has provided every chance to do advanced work

This information is needed for ongoing assessment of our Evergreen curriculum. Your participation is extremely important and appreciated. The results of this end-of-program survey will be used to help describe Evergreen's work to accreditors and Board of Trustees, share innovative practices among faculty and staff, provide useful feedback to faculty and planning units, and suggest faculty development interests and resource needs. This program review is one part of a multifaceted approach to assessing teaching and learning at Evergreen.

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