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SOS: MEDIA 2004-5 It begins Faculty: Sally Cloninger [Fall and Spring]; Ruth Hayes [Winter] Com. 305, 867-6959, cloninsj@evergreen.edu Basic ground rules:
Requirements for fall:
> no absences unless cleared before class meetings > timeliness is everything > complete an AIM statement about personal production plans for fall > individual conferences as required or needed > complete activities outlined in AIM statement to your satisfaction > make a personal research plan and see it though > create an individual web site about your production work; revise it at least once > maintain a weekly production blog > collaboratively prepare and present a theme {more on this below} > present WIP [work-in-progress] at least twice during the quarter > serve on at least one crew [other than your own!] > complete production workshops in web design and dvd authoring > make a final presentation supplemented by a hybrid dvd
Class Schedule Thursdays, 10-4 [Com. 323 and Com. 326] Fridays, 10-4 [same or Multimedia Lab]
Schedule Thursday, 9. 30 10-12 Overview, Introductions, AIM statements Com. 323 Friday, 10. 1 10-12 AIM Statements due; Program planning and research Tuesday, 10. 5 Individual Conferences Com. 305 Wednesday, 10. 6 Individual Conferences Thursday, 10. 7 Group presents past work Friday, 10. 8 Web Design Part 1 MML Thursday, 10. 14 Production Meeting and WIP Friday, 10. 15 Web Design Part 2 MML Thursday, 10. 21 AM WIP; PM “Comedy and the Iron Composer” -Ash and Victoria Friday, 10. 22 Web sites premiered and Blog begins; WIP Wednesday, 10.26 Individual Conferences Thursday, 10. 28 AM WIP; PM “Making the Impossible –Possible” - Sagesse and Angelica Friday, 10. 29 iDVD workshop and progress reports MML Thursday and Friday No Class Faculty Retreat Thursday, 11. 11 AM “The art of promotion” Think Tank-David x2; PM WIP Friday, 11. 12 DVD Studio Pro Part 1 MML Thursday, 11. 18 AM “Working with Actors and Subjects in Documentary and Fiction” Victoria and Anni; PM WIP Friday, 11. 19 DVD Studio Pro Part 2 and assisted work session MML Tuesday, 11. 30 Optional Individual Conferences Com. 305 Thursday, 12. 2 AM/PM All day 16mm screening set up by Angelica. Friday, 12. 3 No class; prep for final presentations; Web sites revised Thursday, 12. 9 FINAL PRESENTATIONS Friday, 12. 10 FINAL PRESENTATIONS |