Using Westlaw

I want to know more about one of the cases that appeared in my research. The library subscribes to Westlaw campus where you can find information on specific court cases including legal journals, court briefs, and other useful information. It is however not the easiest search engine to use.

So let's take my case as an example: ONDA v. Dombeck

  1. Searched ONDA v. Dombeck in the quick search bar.
  2. Typed the case name in the advanced search box and selected the "all courts" option
  3. I typed the search in again and changed my option to all legal journals
  4. Now I searched "Oregon Natural Desert Association" v Domeck in the all cases option

Now let's look at the entry. (insert screenshot) Here I'm going to talk about how to read the entry.

Westlaw also has introductionary synopsises to different types of law. I checked out the section on Environmental law and gave me a good brief background on that aspect of the law including introducing the Clean Water Act.