Physics of Astronomy,
Winter-Spring 2006
updated 30.Aug.2006
This intermediate program will be offered Winter and Spring
of 2005-06. Upper division credit is possible for students who earn 16
credits both quarters. Program descriptions: Catalog,
Winter, Spring.
The first Science Seminar
meeting is at 3:00 on Monday 3.April 2006 in 1037
LAB 1.
Everyone (both Monday and Thursday seminar students) please
attend BOTH SEMINARS week 1 only (even if you are registered for only
4 credits). You will form teams and learn how to post your assignments
The first Physics of Astronomy meeting is Tuesday.4.April
2006 at 12:30 in the Physics homeroom, Lab II Rm 2242. Physics
of Astronomy is not required for Science Seminar students, but you are
always welcome to visit if you like.
of Astronomy is a dual-level program, designed to be accessible
to beginning calculus-level physics students (as in Matter and Motion),
and to provide some of the challenges of Physical
Systems, for students who have already had one year of calculus-based
physics. We will use our unifying theme of Astrophysics to motivate
deeper studies in related areas of physics, choosing appropriate supporting
chapters from the physics and math texts below. (Overview of Evergreen's
physics and math
For more information, contact Dr. Zita by email <zita@evergreen.edu>,
during office hours,
or at the Academic
Fair. Please include "Physics Of Astronomy" or "Science Seminar"
in your subject header (so the spam filter doesn't delete your email).
Please see these Answers to frequently asked questions.
MATH levels: Prerequisite is solid precalculus, at a minimum.
Students will take a math pre-test the first day of class to determine
if you are in the Math-A group (ready for calculus)
or the Math-B group (ready to move beyond calculus).
Students are advised to take calculus
fall quarter, to prepare for the start of Physics of Astronomy in winter
quarter, unless you are already proficient in both integral and
differential calculus. Even if you got an A in AP calculus in HS, you
should consider taking Beginning Calculus in fall, and Calculus I in winter
and spring, offered in the Evening and Weekend Studies (EWS)
program. Math-B students, with prior proficiency in calculus, will use
the Boas math text in Physics of Astronomy.
Please see Science Seminar details
Monday classes |
Tuesday classes |
Wed. |
Thursday classes |
meet teams
post assignments |
12:30-2:45 Astrophysics homework + research session,
2242 Lab II (physics homeroom) |
12:30-4:30 Physics, homeroom |
meet teams
post assignments
12:00-2:45 Astro, homeroom |
3:00-4:30 (to 4:30 for Math-B group)
Science Seminar on Quintessence and Cosmology, 1037 LAB
1 |
Science Seminar on journals: Physics
Today, Sky & Telescope,
Science News, 1037 LAB
1 |
TEXTS: get the most recent
edition, if there is a newer one than listed below. Please
order these from the publisher or another online source such
as Powell's in advance so you have them
the first day of class. There may be some copies of texts available
in the college bookstore, but don't count on it. ALSO SEE REQUIRED
Required texts
which quarter?
for which students?
Physics Activity Guide, Module 4: Electricity and Magnetism,
2nd Edition, Priscilla W. Laws, Pub: Wiley,
ISBN: 0-471-64116-2 (Click on Wiley
or call 800-225-5945 to order your text, or make a copy from
the one on closed reserve in the Library)
spring only
Math A + Math B
winter + spring
Math A + Math B
winter + spring
Math A + Math B

Edition 7, by William Kaufmann III and Roger Freedman, (pub:
W.H. Freeman, NY), pbk. Universe
winter + spring
Math A + Math B
- Math-A students should get whatever calculus text is required
by Beginning Calculus and Calculus I in EWS
Math-A (and Math-B, unless you still have
your own calculus text)
winter + spring
of Physical Chemistry, by Lionel M. Raff (pub: Prentice
Hall) |
winter + spring (you might get by with
copying Ch.11)
to Electrodynamics by David J. Griffiths, (pub: Prentice
NOT to be used (until Physical Systems
next year)
Recommended supporting texts. (Please
share other suggestions on WebX)
winter + spring
Math A + Math B
Handbook, by Murray Spiegel, Schaum's outline series,
McGraw-Hill Trade; 2nd edition (1998), 0070382034. This is
a nice, concise calculus review.
of Modern Cosmology, by Katherine A. Holcomb & John
Frederick Hawley, Oxford University Press; ISBN: 0195104978;
(1998) |
Seminar is an integrated component of the full-time
program, Physics of Astronomy. Science Seminar is also open to
additional students as a part-time module. The Monday and Thursday
Science Seminar modules are available for 4 credits each, or 8
credits total. See the Science Seminar Syllabus for details.
While there may be copies of some texts on closed reserve in the
Library, you must BRING YOUR OWN COPY to class each day.
Take notes in the margins as you read, and the text becomes a
record of your developing thoughts. "An unmarked text is an unread
text." Seminar
SCIENCE SEMINAR - You can take Monday or Thursday or both.
SPRING 2006 |
Monday book seminars (4 credits)
3:00-4:30 in 1037 LAB 1
Learn about Dark matter, Dark energy, and the structure
and evolution of the Universe
Tues + Wed. (no class)
Thursday journal seminars (4 credits)
3:00-4:30 in 1037 LAB 1
Learn about the latest developments in Physics
and Astronomy
meet teams
post assignments |
by Lawrence Krauss and
(A Very Short Introduction) by Peter Coles |
meet teams
post assignments |
Physics Today,
Sky & Telescope,
Science News.
We will read selections from journals each week.
Subscribe online BEFORE class starts, or copy
the whole journal from classmates or the library at
least one week in advance.
Monday book seminars (4 credits)
Lab II Rm 2211
Tues + Wed. (no class)
Thursday journal seminars
(4 credits) Lab II Rm 2211
meet teams
post assignments |
2:30-3:45 Science Seminar on
of Star Trek by Lawrence Krauss |
meet teams
post assignments |
2:15-3:30 Science Seminar on journals: Physics
Today, Sky
& Telescope, Science
News, in SEM II. We will read selections from
journals each week. Subscribe online BEFORE class
starts, or copy the whole journal from classmates
or the library in advance.