Public Works
Week 3
October 11, 2005
Student governance notes

Agenda accepted

Reached consensus on program goal:
“Our goal is to create a community to encourage and support our learning and fulfill our program requirements.”

-“consent” packet handout calls for roles, facilitator proposes we sign up for roles for every week (a sign-up sheet)
-time keeper role?
-suggestion of only one week ahead sign up at end of meetings
-time-keeper the job of facilitator?
-facilitator responsible for agenda?
-roles are roles not people, would have more roles than there are or could split them up
-facilitator and other roles set agenda with proposals
-should allow time limits for specific agenda items in future
-should have role for whole week, act as facilitator until next person’s day
-better for facilitation team to be responsible for week leading up to meeting, to plan meeting and act as a contact
-prefers week following
-prefers overlapping (2 facilitators at once, different jobs)
-why not facilitator group gets with next group so that new learn from old
-clarification: “pass the torch” old meet with new
-if facilitator of meeting A must meet with facilitator of meeting B
-agree with transition with set time, scribe responsibilities carry over from meeting to meeting
-more formalized process at the beginning so that it doesn’t deteriorate that much, likes idea of people knowing who to go to end of a each meeting, announce a contact person for next week, people doing facilitating have a support system via facilitation team of past meeting.
-Elliot working on web page, a link for gov. maybe a log to pass to each other, keep in lounge area
-need a notebook so gov. takes less time
-email notes and updates and proposals to everybody?
-maybe physical notebook and email log both is better
-what does hand off include?
-ask advice, get information on what was agreed to
-maybe use listserve?
-roles are defined in “consent” handout, all should read
-unclear about roles
-did we decide how notebook hand off happens?
-the facilitation team to pass to next team the notebook
-note taker post notes for all to see
-do we want a time keeper? As a role, could be absorbed by anyone (scribe, stacker, whatever)
-not agreed to by some, b/c hot topics may need to take more time than is scheduled
-but we don’t have all the time in the world, need parameters
-can we put time-keeper in parking lot?
-yes, for next week

-at end, say who wants to facilitate team
-but then all responsibility goes to that one person, need help from others
-all roles contribute to agenda setting
-we want to add to all other roles helping the facilitator
-we set agenda at end of meeting, but all proposals during week sent to team
-when facilitator wants to speak as participant, need to tell us
-facilitator shouldn’t have a proposal of own on agenda
-meeting agenda agreed on at beginning of meeting, so any problems can be addressed then
-proposal: 5 roles needed, yes or no? yes, reached through consensus. Roles are:
liaison to faculty, facilitator, note taker, scribe, stacker
-proposal to table Ground Rules for next week-yes, reached through consensus

-proposed that all significant proposals must be brought to facilitation team in writing, others, as they come up, may be brought up in meeting but may have to push decision on proposal to following meeting
-proposal not agreed to permanently, but for this week it’s “suggested” that proposals come in writing to team ahead of time if wanted on agenda
-agenda to go on listserve
-concerned that only writers can make proposals, need other ways too
-team decides how much time an which proposals will go on agenda, then submits agenda to group at beginning of meeting, group can accept or change
-no “blurting”
-action items should be first on the agenda, process questions and decisions should come later, so that meetings end up being more productive

-facilitator next week is Erin
Stack is Tricia
Scribe is Natalie

Parking lot:
Action items:
-time keepers’ role
-communication methods duties of roles
Agenda items process
Process for next meetings
Ground rules, blurting
Proposal methods