Tabulation of responses to some of the questions on the Learning Styles Survey

1.  When I am learning something new, the first step I would PREFER to take is to
- talk with other people about the ideas or skill and then read.
1 - read a book or listen to a tape and then think about the ideas or try the new skill.
- try figuring out the idea or skill by working on a project that I develop and then reading some information.
- watch a demonstration of the skill or listen to a lecture and then try a project or read.
- Other
Answers for Other:

2.  When I read a book to prepare for a discussion, I MOST OFTEN
1 - start at the beginning and read straight through.
- skim the book to get a sense of the major ideas and then write down questions I want to answer.
- skim the book for major ideas and then read the concluding sections.
- make a list of what I know and what I want to find out and then read.
- other
Answers for Other:

3. When I am preparing for a discussion of a book, I MOST OFTEN
0 - highlight as I read.
0 - draw diagrams or pictures.
0 - take notes while I am reading.
0 - list questions that haven’t been answered or points with which I disagree.
0 - other
Answers for Other:

4.My PREFERENCE about the size of a group for discussion is
1 - it doesn’t matter - I can talk comfortably in any size group.
0 - talk initially in a small group and then in a larger group.
0 - I don't like to participate in discussion groups.
0 - other
Answers for Other:

5. When I am working in a discussion group of 12 to 20 people, I PREFER
0 - that everyone come with questions and ideas they want to discuss.
1 - that the faculty provide guidance about the topics for discussion..
0 - that the group set an agenda at the beginning of the discussion..
0 - other
Answers for Other:

6. In group discussions about a book with 12 - 20 people, I PREFER
0 - to share my feelings about, and reactions to, the book.
0 - to mainly listen to other people’s ideas.
0 - to participate in a conversation about the authors’ ideas or style.
0 - to participate in lively arguments.
0 - other
Answers for Other:

7.  When asked to do a task in a setting or method I DO NOT PREFER
0 - I try to find ways to avoid it.
0 - I bite my tongue and do it anyway.
0 - I try to negotiate a different possibility.
0 - I sometimes enjoy taking a risk.
1 - other
Answers for Other:
- Blah Blah

8. Which of the following do you think best describes you as a learner?
0 - I like to try and relate what I am learning to my own life and to learn new ideas through listening to others, reading, writing, and thinking.
1 - I like to work on projects, try out new experiences, and figure out what is true and not true.
0 - like to figure out how new things relate to my own life by involving myself in art or music or community activities or projects.
0 - I like to learn facts and concepts through reading reliable books and through working with knowledgeable people.
0 - other
Answers for Other:

16. On a scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 being low),
a. how would you rate your math skills?
0 - 1
0 - 2
1 - 3
0 - 4
0 - 5

b. how would you rate your attitude about math?
0 - 1
0 - 2
1 - 3
0 - 4
0 - 5

c. how would you rate your group process skills?
0 - 1
0 - 2
0 - 3
0 - 4
0 - 5

d. how would you rate your knowledge of U.S. history from a multicultural perspective?
0 - 1
0 - 2
1 - 3
0 - 4
0 - 5