We imagine that some of you will have access to a personal computer and some of you will not.  We also know that, as a group, you'll have a wide range of experiences with computer programs. In order to plan assignments and workshops thoughtfully, we would like to know if you do have a personal computer, as well as the nature of your proficiency with various computer operations and software. (Evergreen has a computer lab you'll have access to throughout the program.)

For your name, you entered:   .

I. Access to Personal Computer

Do you have access to a personal computer that you can use? 
Your response was .

Does your computer have a modem? Your response was .

Can you access the Internet with your current set-up? Your response was .

Do you have a personal e-mail address?    Your response was .

Have you ever created your own Web Page? Your response was .

Have you ever used Web Crossing for communication?     Your response was .

II. Survey of Proficiency with Various Computer Applications

For each application select your level of competence and indicate the type and/or software package you have used.

Word processing programs:
Your response was: For Type you entered:

Database programs:
Your response was: For Type you entered:

Spreadsheet programs:
Your response was: For Type you entered:

Graphics programs:
Your response was: For Type you entered:

Photo Processing programs (eg Photoshop):
Your response was: For Type you entered:

Presentation (eg Powerpoint):
Your response was: For Type you entered:

Web Page Development Software(eg Frontpage or Dreamweaver):
Your response was: For Type you entered:

Use of Web Browsers (eg Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer):
Your response was: For Type you entered:

III. Other

Academic Research using the Web:
Your response was:

Your response was:

Creating Electronic Portfolios:
Your response was:

Your response was:

Educational Software for K-12:
Your response was:

Thank you for your input.