Hello there! Your Name is  
Here are the responses you made to the questions.
1.  When I am learning something new, the first step I would PREFER to take is to: (other) .
2.  When I read a book to prepare for a discussion, I MOST OFTEN (other)
3. When I am preparing for a discussion of a book, I MOST OFTEN (other) .
4.My PREFERENCE about the size of a group for discussion is (other) .
5.  When I am working in a discussion group of 12 to 20 people, I PREFER (other) .
6. In group discussions about a book with 12 - 20 people, I PREFER (other) .
7.  When asked to do a task in a setting or method I DO NOT PREFER (other) .
8. Which of the following do you think best describes you as a learner? (other) .
9. What would you like to know about the MIT program or about Evergreen?
Your response was .
10. Are you planning on working while you go to school? If you are, how many hours a week do you plan to work?
Your response was .
11. What roles can you play in a discussion group or in a small research group that will help everyone learn as much as possible?
Your response was .
12.   What are your strengths as a writer?
Your response was .
13. What kinds of help would you like in order to further develop your writing as a graduate student?
Your response was .
14. If you could choose any way you wanted to demonstrate what you had learned to a teacher or professor, what would you choose to do?
Your response was .
15. When you're not in school, what do you like to do?
Your response was .
16. On a scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 being low),
a. how would you rate your math skills? Your response was .
b. how would you rate your attitude about math? Your response was .
c. how would you rate your group process skills? Your response was .
d. how would you rate your knowledge of U.S. history from a multicultural perspective? Your response was .
17. Do you dance, act, sing, write creatively, or play an instrument?  What?
Your response was .
18. Are there any skills, abilities, or knowledge that you have that you would like to help your peers in the program learn?      If yes, what are they?
Your response was .
19. Will child-care be an issue or problem for you?      Do you need information about child-care in Olympia?
Your response was .
20. What do you need from the faculty and your peers to support your ability to learn and participate in this program?
Your response was .
21. What are the most important questions you hope to answer by taking this program?
Your response was .
22. What do you think are the most valuable assets you bring to our learning community?
Your response was .
24. Please respond to the following question.  We will use this piece of writing to gain some initial understandings about you as a writer and a learner.  Please write your answer as an essay rather than as a list. Your response was

Thank you for your input.