Ten Questions from Dewey
Find at least 3 quotes from our Dewey Text, Experience And Education, that
help answer the questions given. Record the page number of the quote. Make
posters, printed legibly and with letters large enough to show up on the
web as photos. My plan is the post them so that all of you can use them
in your philosophy papers.
- What is the role of the teacher in determining the academic material
to be learned?
- What is the role of the teacher in maintaining classroom order?
- Are all experiences equal in value?
- What are some characteristics of miseducative experiences and what role
do they play in what a person learns?
- What role does the classroom community play in determining the material
to be learned?
- What role does the classroom community play in maintaining classroom
- What is the proper organization of subject matter?
- What is the trade-off between freedom and control?