Winter Syllabus
- Required Readings
- Class Summary - note changes in weekly class schedule
- Assignment Catalog - note new assignments
- Weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Required Readings
Wks 2 -9 - Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative / Edward Tufte (1997)
Wk 1 - The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture / John Battelle (2005)
Wk 2 - Revolution in the Valley / Andy Hertzfeld (2004)
Wk 3 - Rebel Code: Linux and the Open Source Revolution / Glyn (2003)
Wks 4 & 5 - Essential McLuhan / Marshall McLuhan (1994)
Wk 6 - Scrolling Forward: Making Sense of Documents in the Digital Age / David J. Levy (2002)
Wk 7 - Working Knowledge: How Organizations Manage What They Know / Davenport & Prusak (1998)
Wk 8 - From Gutenberg to the Global Information Infrastructure / Christine Borgman (2003)
Wk 9 - The World Is Flat / Thomas L. Friedman (2005)
Wk 10 - Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana / Umberto Eco (2005)
Weekly Class Schedule
Tuesdays 10-12, Book Seminar - A2109 Sem 2.
Tuesdays 1-3, Web Writing Class - General Computing Classroom, GCC.
Fridays 1-3, Web Practicum, GCC.
Fridays 3-6, Film Sreening, To Be Determined.
Team Intern Mtg - To Be Determined.
Assignment Catalog
Individual Assignments
Seminar Papers - Students will react to seminar books with papers of 1-2 pages each week. Student goals are to review reading content, focus thoughts for discussion, and practice formal writing skills. Print conventions required.
Blogs - Students will use their blogs for online file management in their research and web development projects. Students will continue to post seminar papers on their blogs.
Presentations - In the web practicum each week, students will take turns presenting a chapter from Tufte's book. They will lead a classroom web exploration to investigate and illustrate chapter content, principles and themes. Students will also practice individual web development skills.
Websites - Each student will continue and expand their individual research studies websites from Fall Quarter. Students will shape new research and content development by application of principles and themes from their chapter of Tufte.
Library IT - Students will schedule 6 of their 10 work exchange hours per week for IT support in chosen areas of the library.
Team Assignments
Technology Survival Guide - Students will begin a two-quarter team project to design and produce a Technology Survival Guide for Greeners. The Guide will provide easy-to-read facts and advice for students on how to find and use IT at the college. The goal is not to tell students what the college has to offer. Rather to give them what they need to know to get what they want. The Guide will cover academics, college communications, and the media arts.
Field Research - Students will schedule 2 additional hours of work exchange per week to explore Evergreen's IT resources and support services for students. Students will gather field notes of their experiences.
Team Website - Students will report and follow up on their field experiences each week at a team blog or wiki site. They will use the team site for online file management and as the platform for team development of a Technology Survival Guide public site to be completed in Spring.
Team Mtg - Students will schedule a final two hours of work exchange each week for a team meeting to review, share, and discuss their field research findings and ideas. Students will also use this mtg time to work collectively on the team website.
Mid-term and Final Presentations - Students will present individual and team web projects in Weeks 5 and 10.
Reading Syllabus
Week 1 / Jan 9-13 - The Brave New World
Tues 10-12, Sem 2 A2109 / Book seminar - READING: Batelle, The Search.
Tues 1-3, GCC / Web Writing Class.
Fri 1-3, GCC / Web Practicum - introduction to term syllabus and assignments.
Fri 3-6, / Film Screening, / Pirates of Silicon Vally (d. Martin Burke, 1999).
Week 2 / Jan 17-20 - A Design History of the Mouse
Tues 10-12, Sem 2 A2109 / Book seminar - READING: : Hertzfeld, Revolution in the Valley.
Tues 1-3, GCC / Web Writing Class.
Fri 1-3, GCC / Web Practicum - Kelsey - Tufte - ( Ch. 1) Images and Quantities.
Fri 3-6, / Film Screening, Fahrenheit 451 (d. Francois Truffaut, 1966).
Week 3 / Jan 23-27 - From Open to Closed Sources
Tues 10-12, Sem 2 A2109 / Book seminar - READING: Moody, Rebel Code.
Tues 1-3, GCC / Web Writing Class.
Fri 1-3, GCC / Web Practicum - Nadia - Tufte - (Ch. 2) Visual and Statistical Thinking: Displays of Evidence for Making Decisions.
Fri 3-6, / Film Screening, Silent Running (d. Douglas Trumbull, 1971).
Week 4 / Jan 30-Feb 3 - Understanding Media
Tues 10-12, Sem 2 A2109 / Book seminar - READING: McLuhan, Essential McLuhan, Pt 1.
Tues 1-3, GCC / Web Writing Class.
Fri 1-3, GCC / Web Pracitum - Janet - Tufte - (Ch. 3) Explaining Magic: Pictorial Instructions and Disinformation Design.
Fri 3-6, / Film Screening, Blade Runner (d. Ridley Scott, 1982).
Week 5 / Feb 6 - Feb 10 - Global Village
Tues 10-12, Sem 2 A2109 / Book seminar - READING: McLuhan, Essential McLuhan, Pt 2.
Tues 1-3, GCC / Mid-term presentations.
Fri 1-3, GCC / Web Practicum - Austin - Tufte - (Ch.4 ) The Smallest Effective Difference.
Fri 3-6, / Film Screening, Cherry 2000 (d. Steve De Jarnatt , 1987).
Week 6 / Feb 13-17 - Documents in a Visual Age
Tues 10-12, Sem 2 A2109 / Book seminar - READING: Levy, Scrolling Forward.
Tues 1-3, GCC / Web Writing Class.
Fri 1-3, GCC / Web Practicum - Domenica - Tufte - ( Ch. 5) Parallelism: Repetition and Change, Comparison and Surprise.
Fri 3-6, / Film Screening, Lawn Mower Man (d. Brett Leonard, 1992).
Week 7 / Feb 20-24 - Use the Webfu, Luke
Tues 10-12, Sem 2 A2109 / Book seminar - READING: Davenport & Prusak, Working Knowledge.
Tues 1-3, GCC / Web Writing Class.
Fri 1-3, GCC / Web Practicum - Evan - Tufte - ( Ch. 6) Multiples in Space and Time.
Fri 3-6, / Film Screening, Johnny Mnemonic (d. Robert Longo, 1995).
Week 8 / Feb 27-Mar 3 - "Whither, or Wither, Libraries?"
Tues 10-12, Sem 2 A2109 / Book seminar - READING: Borgman, From Gutenberg to Global.
Tues 1-3, GCC / Web Writing Class.
Fri 1-3, GCC / Web Practicum - Jenny - Tufte - ( Ch. 7) Visual Confections: Juxtapositions from the Ocean of the Streams of Story.
Fri 3-6, / Film Screening, ExistenZ (d. David Cronenberg, 1999).
Week 9 / Mar 6-10 - Who Does the Digital Divide Divide?
Tues 10-12, Sem 2 A2109 / Book seminar - READING: Friedman, The World Is Flat.
Tues 1-3, GCC / Web Writing Class.
Fri 1-3, LC / Web Practicum - Kerry and Michelle - Tufte - Responses, Reflections and Synthesis.
Fri 3-6, / Film Screening, Artificial Intelligence (d. Steven Spielberg, 2001).
Week 10 / Mar 13-17 - Information Fiction (The future is almost already yesterday).
Tues 10-12, Sem 2 A2109 / Book seminar - READING: Eco, Mysterious Flame.
Tues 1-3, GCC / Independent work.
Fri 1-3, LC / Final presentations – Potluck.
Fri 3-6, / Film Screening, In the Name of the Rose (d. Jean-Jacques Annaud, 1986).
Evaluation Week / Mar 20-24.