2005-06 Reconciliation: A Process of Human Balance - A possible overview 

This page is REALLY being built, with your input we will have a version in progress at the end of every quarter. To help you plan for your year-long work we are building this page with sites on Reconciliation. To help you plan for your weekly work you may want to use the TESC Campus Calendar

Fall 2005 - "Reconciliation with reality - awareness of reality" 

Suggested readings and materials for the year:
Intelligence Reframed-Gardner-0465026117;
Pedagogy of the Oppressed-Freire-0826412769;
A People's History of US-Zinn-0060937319

Other readings:
A Pedagogy for Liberation-Shor & Freire-0897891058;
We Make the Road by Walking-Horton & Freire-0877227756;
Pedagogy of Hope, by Paulo Freire

Broad and Alien is the World by Ciro Alegria is the reading for students who plan to travel to Peru in Winter;
The Daughters of the Conquistadors
Education for Extinction

Other suggested materials:

The Art of Changing the Brain
The Dancing Wu Li Masters-Zukov-055326382x;
Ethnography A Way of Seeing-0761990917;
The Way to Rainy Mountain-Momaday-0826304362;
Black Elk Speaks-Neihardt-0803261705
Love Medicine-Erdrich-0060975547;
American Indian Women-Bataille-0803260822;
The Mayan Calendar-Calleman-0970755805;
Woman Native Other-Trinh-0253205034;
Coming Into Being-Thompson-0312176929

Peggy McIntosh's White Privilege article.

Winter 2006 - "Reconciliation with world indigenous communities - awareness of reality, then self-awareness"

In winter, we plan to individually, or in small study groups, develop the historical background for the chosen question and do the integrative review of the literature and data collection

Suggested questions/topics: What is an emerging curriculum?

How to use the TESC Campus Calendar to plan for our week's work. Weeks 1 and 2 - Suggested individual work:

Learning from our program web page: using the learning tools and other links from the front page. Study groups cover main readings and propose group workshops. 

Students present their projects as work in progress (and at any time during the year) using their new technological skills: overhead projector to power point presentations, from hard copies to videos, multimedia and web pages. Faculty/Guests/Students curriculum and instruction; self-assessment, peer evaluation and collaborative assessment.

Starting week one there could be students' project presentations both: live and online in our web X site

Spring 2006 - "Reconciliation with the self - awareness of reality, then self-awareness, then praxis and concientizacao"

"Expectations" of a Reconciliation student

Evergreen’s goal is to assist its students in developing personal strengths, abilities, and a sense of their own work in order to participate effectively and responsibly, individually and collaboratively in a diverse, complex world.

To that end, the Evergreen education, and the Reconciliation program is oriented around the Five Foci.
Using Bloom's Taxonomy, Reconciliation students in Spring can assess their own experience in our program on each of the five Evergreen foci.

Foci\Bloom's Taxonomy Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis  Synthesis Evaluation
Interdisplinary learning - - - - - -
Collaboration - - - - - -
Personal engagement - - - - - -
Linking theory and practice - - - - - -
Learning accross significant differences - - - - - -

Using Bloom's Taxonomy, Reconciliation co-learners at the end of the year can assess their own experience in the program.  
To fulfill our mission, our learning community will consistently provide opportunities that will make it possible for each of us to be able to:
                                              Curriculum\Bloom's Taxonomy  Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis  Synthesis Evaluation
Define and assume responsibility for our own work - - - - - -
Participate collaboratively and responsibly in a diverse society - - - - - -
Communicate creatively and effectively - - - - - -
Demonstrate independent, critical thinking - - - - - -
Apply qualitative and quantitative modes of inquiry appropriately to practical and theoretical problems across disciplines, including the Arts and Sciences. - - - - - -
Demonstrate depth, breadth, and synthesis of learning and the ability to reflect on the personal and social significance of that learning - - - - - -
*Adapted from General Education (Expectations of an Evergreen graduate) and from the HACOP Covenant.
 Raul Nakasone, Olympia, JAN'01  <>