Anthony H
David Rutledge, Yvonne Peterson, Raul Nakasone


1.  What brought me to Evergreen?

    I was interested in Evergreen for the avant-garde concepts of learning which allow the student to have a more personal and flexible learning experience.

2.  Being in Evergreen, what brought you to the Reconciliation program?

    I was introduced to the program through Fumie Nakasone daughter of Raul Nakasone.  I had mentioned what my goals and intentions of learning were, and was won over by the ideas of this course, as well as the ability to immerse myself in another language.

3.  Our independent project responds to the four questions from the NAS Twenty Vision:
    A:  What do I plan to do?

        My focus in college is to obtain fluency in Spanish (hearing, speaking, and     writing), as well as to obtain my teaching credentials, and a proficient knowledge     of business (marketing, accounting, and management).

    B:  How do I plan to do it?

        I plan to improve my reading comprehension and Spanish vocabulary     through reading Marketing and Business textbooks in Spanish, which will also     allow me to increase my knowledge of my third objective (Business). I also plan     to write papers in Spanish as I read recreational Spanish books. I plan to take     two trips this winter, one to Peru, and one to Guatemala. During these two trips      my goal is to work towards my teaching credentials, by teaching students in both     countries.  In addition I plan to take private lessons in QuickBooks accounting     computer program, and four two hour courses in Loan Officer training, to better     understand another dimension of the business world.

    C:  What do I plan to learn?
        I plan to gain fluency in a second language (Spanish), and an in depth         comprehension of Business. I also plan to learn the art of sharing my knowledge     with other people.


    D:  What difference will it make?

        1. Teaching: Teaching has the opportunity to virtually sway the future of     thousands of people’s lives.  Knowledge gives people the chance to have more     choices for careers, helps enlighten minds, and ultimately change the future of     human interaction on the face of this planet.
        2. Business:  As a bilingual businessman I could help improve the lives of     Hispanics throughout the United States and especially in Washington State by     helping them obtain needs or wants, that perhaps they would not be able to     explain to a person unable to speak Spanish.  This will allow them to excel in     their lives and enjoy a more fruitful life as well.


1. Kotler, Philip. Fundamentos de Mercadotecnia. Nueva York/Mexico: Prentice Hall. 1998.
2. One Hundred years of Solitude (suggested class literature) read in English the in Spanish for better comprehension.
3. Cien Años de Solidad (suggested class literature)
4. A People's History of the United States (suggested class literature)
5. Manny, Karoline. Negocios sin fronteras: Intermediate Spanish for Business . Prentace Hall. 2003. (Haven't bought yet. May change if I find better business book in Spanish.)

    Anabella & Manuel Celada
SB1MkL17 Cuidad San Cristobal Zona 8 Mixco Guatemala City, Guatemala Central America