For reconciliation, I’m working on a cabin on Lopez Island (in the San Juan Islands). I am studying design, learning about energy efficiency, and learning building techniques.

      My Reading list is as follows:

         A Pattern Language

         The Timeless Way of Building

         Notes on the Synthesis of Form

         The Phenomenon of Life: The Nature of Order

            All of which are by Christopher Alexander.

            During the first five weeks of the quarter, I cleared a space for the cabin, removing debris left twenty years ago when my fathers land was logged. I cut down several trees, and then milled them with my father into beams, joists, flooring, rafters, and studs. Now I am digging an area the size of my planned cabin down to bedrock, so that I can pour concrete piers on which to build the structure.  I’ve also collected the pieces of a basic solar electricity system, a solar water heater, and a stove for the cabin.

            I do not expect to finish the cabin this quarter, and don’t want to continue the work through the cold months, so I would like to do my presentation week ten. I am documenting my work on film, and slides could be part of my presentation.

            I may want to join the class again spring quarter and continue with the work i’ve started this fall.

            If possible, I would like to work with David Rutledge.