Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

Hannah Knazan-Lippman

I love children and nature. I have worked in outdoor education for several years, leading canoeing and backpacking trips in northern Minnesota. I am currently an nanny for a 4 year old and a 1 year old.

I am also a rower on the Evergreen Crew team. This means I wake up at 5:00am every weekday morning and row on the Puget Sound with eight other women and a coxswain. I watch the mist roll off into the distance and see seals poke their curious noses out of the water, while herons fly overhead.

This class brings out my love of art and spontaneous creativity. By creating a nature journal I have once again found time to notice the the small idiosyncrasies in leaves and worms and drops of water. Arts, Environment and the Child reminds me to breath and rejoice in everything I do.

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