Mylee Ring
I am a Junior here at TESC, studying Art Therapy and Education. I enjoy guiding the youth of today, teaching that there is a more positive way to deal with life's issues other than in apathy or violence. We learn that through art, education, and spirituality one can find or re-learn the connection between nature, community, and self.
My interests consists of any art, in any form, the study different spiritual paths, the study of holistic and natural remedies from different cultures, and children of any age. I am very passioniate about creating a holistic education for the children of present day and for the future.
I am a mother of 2 fine sons one of which is a Junior at WSU and my youngest will be graduating this spring and will be coming to TESC in the fall. Our family is unique in the fact each of us follows a different spiritual path, my husband is a Native American Shaman, while I am a Celtic Shaman and we both are ordained ministers but consider ourselves Spiritual Counselors. My oldest son is a Mormon while my youngest follows the path of Buddha. It is our belief that each person is entitled to follow their path whether its spiritual or of an educational, ultimately is boils down to what you want in your life not anyone else. So I say follow your dreams and may the Goddess smile upon you and may you have many blessings in your life.