Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

pamela Joy pontone



My name is what the above says. I am new to Evergreen, and in my freshman year. I have recently become awakened (or re-awakened, rather) to the "exciting world of children" meaning the perspective of the world through eyes that are curious and uncorrupted. I have been seeing my world open up this way this past year, from daunting walls to bright colors to my own hands. As my surroundings become more distorted and "real", plants and living things are the only -things- that seem to make sense to me, and so I have decided to work and live surrounded by what is not synthetic. That is why I chose this class.

I am tired and hungry and stressed out-normal parts of being in this world and country, though I am trying so hard to make exceptions, and understanding that this class will let me do that based upon my own motivation. I want to help people like everyone else, but first I would like to figure out how to converse with my natural environment in a deeper and more nurturing way, and be this way for children (including the children who reside in each of us), because they definitely do that for me.



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