Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons













Haines, '04. photo by Shelly

Star set, by Rebecca townsEnd.
(parts missing.)

I made love to the space
Where the sky and the water’s edge.
Strattled between two hard places.

I had just been thinking
One could take any position,
It just takes effort to hold it.

I know what it feels like
Not to fill this emptied heart.

I’m learning so much
Like the ways in which I can be too much
And how little it really matters.

The shape of the stars is in the spiral,
Birds, and babbling brook,
In the shape of sound only echoed.

I’m looking for the shape of water
But it can only ever be seen as a reflection
Between the land and the stars,
Or two hard places. 

I am hidden and reflecting
Coming to the throbbing of this moment,
Where the stars set. 









Seattle, '05. photo by Heidi.


Mural in pastel. San Diego, '00. Spirit











Rebecca Townsend copyright 2000

As I am of my time
by rebecca townsEnd

I have more to give
than what I can give you
but I could never give enough
to give back.
What I have can never be measured;
but maybe someday
we'll set down our faces
and pull up some slack.
In fact
all I have it this passion for living
but even then
I admit
half seems to be missing.
It's hard for me to feel most things...
just tell me what to bring.
I never know whether I'm dreaming or awake
and I believe if the line were gone
you'd never know which was fake.
As things go I'm not fit for human consumption
as I am
of my time
to my cauldron.
I've been trying to remember beyond this flesh
Like stars and
music and
art and
But I'm taking tricky trends toward
remembering only
l       o          n            g
enough to fight my way through
leaving quietly down wind.
Like the times I didn't speak up,
anyone to me
is just too much
or not enough.
I'm afraid of the cold,
but not the stars;
I'm packing light
and lighter.
Even as much opinion as I have
I have less than I don't.
And I bet when I die,
even that I won't.
I don't always get what I intend,
sometimes, instead of picking a fight,
I like to see just how far I can bend.
InTENDing to Be
but asking
what am I doing wrong?
I smile too much,
I walk too heavy,
and I can be too rough.
most often,
I know just the song
to vibe anyway
cuz you see
my poetry and I are still learning rhythm
still becoming song.
It's whether I was true to my heart
that needs to be identified
Because this life is my art
and I'm not afraid to die.

Mural in acrylic. Ohio, 2002. The dance










Rebecca Townsend, copyright 2000





Hi. All these paintings are mine (there will be more), poems too. If you appreciate these images, let me know. Don't use 'em commercially unless I say so.

Signed, Rebecca Townsend.


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