Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

rebecca townsEnd
















I've been travelling pretty consistently throughout my life, but concentrated consistently, these last three years, on visiting communities throughout the states, also a travelling community which was in Peru and then Ecuador at the time. I needed to seek out alternative ways of living, to visit those people who were already attempting a more sustainable, harmonious way of living then our persistent cement cities.

As you can imagine, making these ideals reality is hard, hard, hard...but, it is possible, and these stuggling alternatives do in fact exist outside mainstream knowledge. It's inspiring to see and feel so many of us coming to understand that there has to be more than our accepted reality. There has to be a reality in which we take care of one another, provide for one another, heal each other, and live in such a way that none are left out of the web of life and living between humans, animals, trees, plants, spirits, and children. The simplest and most difficult obstacle seems to be making and maintaining this connection.

I'm involved in Art, Environment, and the Child, as well as a contract for a plant medicine apprenticeship, in order to support this journey. To walk as much as I can in the connectedness of all things, in community, and in caring wholeheartedly for one another. For me, that means exploring art and plant medicine as therapy. I am truly joyful with investing, and losing, mySelf into this place, community, home, and family. It seems this is the time to Be exactly where we are, incomprehensibly aware of the "something bigger" that's happening in the energy around and through us.







































All paintings by Rebecca Townsend. I say no commercial use of images without asking me first:











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