Hi everyone, this is Aimee with a few announcements and requests.
First off here are instructions for the listserv.
1) Go to http://www.evergreen.edu/lists/
2) Under “Program Lists” you should see “Art Media Praxis”
3) Click the subscribe button next to the name.
4) Fill out the form and press “subscribe”. That’s all there is to it.
I’m still in the process of getting a space put together for student work. Thanks to everyone who has put their prints on media scratch for me. Those of you who haven’t can email them directly to me now (aimeeiscool@gmail.com). Please keep them 72-150 dpi and use your own name for the file name.
Also, in addition to your prints, we’d like to put the artists statements that go with them. Same thing, please email them to me (aimeeiscool@gmail.com) as a Microsoft Word or plain text file.
We’re looking for photos or scans from the Idea Fair and examples of on going individual work. Go ahead and email whatever you’ve got.
The web site is slowly getting content. You can see it at www2.evergreen.edu/amp/ for some reason it hasn’t been added to the program page site yet.