Air Guitar part 2

Submitted by turand04 on Tue, 2007-02-27 09:51.

"I had just fucked up, and this realization came as a bit of a downer, to be sure, although it certainly explained the feeling of nasueous dread i had been feeling at the prospect of laying my labors before my "interdisciplinary" committee." (103) This quote really hit home for me, simply because Hickey has concisely stated how I'm sure most of us are feeling about presenting in front of the clss once again.This time, with a much more complicated and difficult piece. The feeling that always goes through my head whenever we start presenting is a million different reasons why my project/speech/presentation/whatever, is going to suck horribly. I can't really change how I feel, but seeing Hickey so blatantly state it gave me a laugh at least since I'm not the only one who has this problematic habit.

Andrew Turner