Published on Creating a Conceptual Framework for Images (http://www2.evergreen.edu/ccfi)

Installation art, week 2

By osmjus15
Created 2007-01-22 22:18

“…Rarely do we question how our experience is altered by the shift from presence to reproduction” (p.80.) This is probably true for most people. Though I find myself doing that now. By now I’ve seen more picture of installation art than I care to look at. A lot of them are interesting, but for the most part, I just don’t care. This is likely because I haven’t seen vary many installations in person. So picture of them out of context are next to meaningless. A graiter appreciation for them would likely be gained form seeing more professional installations.

One installation I found particularly interesting was Wrapped Reichstag. In this installation, Christo and Jeanne Claude wrapped Reichstag, the German parliament building in 100,000 square meters of aluminum-coated, fabric panels. I found this installation interesting not only for its uniqueness and visual appeal, but also the incredibly long amount of time between the artists’ conceptualizing the piece, gaining permission to do it and installation. This lasted over a 23-year period. After which, the building only remained wrapped for 14-days. It is incredible that someone would spend that much time and energy (not to mention money) on something that would only last for two weeks.

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