Published on Creating a Conceptual Framework for Images (http://www2.evergreen.edu/ccfi)

week 2

By shahel25
Created 2007-01-23 10:30

Many of the installations that were shown in this portion of the book rely not on visual experience, but on what they make the view think about. In truth, many seemed to have no aesthetic value what so ever. Installation is used merely as a tool to convey a point or explain about an idea or event that happened in the artist life. The installations are closer to exhibits then what I would be able to call art. “The artist has appropriated archival strategies while dealing literally with ‘rubbish’. He has turned collector, affording himself the privilege of the museum, to gather, cataloged and selectively display.” (p 132)

‹ Response pp 78-131 [0]Erwin Wurm › [0]

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