Published on Creating a Conceptual Framework for Images (http://www2.evergreen.edu/ccfi)

Response pp 78-131

By donand10
Created 2007-01-23 10:59

"The Swiss-born curator Hans Ulrich Obrist has suggested a shift in the culture of meseums, to transform them into laboratories. He states the idea of embracing contradictions is very important... The laboratory is about leaving the museum, it's against the museum." O.k I agree that some art can be poignant and beautiful and all that, outside of the meseum, but I think that this idealistic asshole is going way to far with it. To say that museums should be labratories is a scary thought and to me conjures up thoughts of a very steril and stale environment. This quote also makes me angry because it imposes that his idea is actually important and worst of all I think he believes that people will actually listen to him.

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