Published on Creating a Conceptual Framework for Images (http://www2.evergreen.edu/ccfi)

play-dough haha

By lewkyl13
Created 2007-02-06 20:16

At first I was confused as to why we were reading the allegory of the cave for our photography class. I have read it many times in my philosophy classes but never with a photographic connotation. But then I wrote this next paragraph, so…

Photography attempts to shed light on the part of life that people might overlook when trying to conceptualize reality. Tiny coincidence or synchronicities that shed light on the dynamic reality that we exist in. many people overlook these kinds of tinny comical or meaningful moments of “truth” (I like to call them); just like the poor souls trapped in the cave (on a completely other level however) are condemned to accept there miniscule/unexamined life as “truth” because it is all they will ever know. That is…until the “enlightened one” or photographer (though many of us are far from such self-control most of the time, but, sometimes we see, and we capture the moment, thus, bringing the meaning or connotation to the forefront of society and humankind, for the benefited of us all. Hopefully bringing it with so much conviction that it inspirers the imprisoned individuals to break there metaphorical chains harnessing them to there conventional “tethered” belief system, and—even if it is just for a seconded—climb out of the dark cave and see that there are an infinite amount of colors and textures that cascade over the “true” silver gelatin print of really; and the only life they knew, was never the same.

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