Published on Creating a Conceptual Framework for Images (http://www2.evergreen.edu/ccfi)

Week 6 Response

By osmjus15
Created 2007-02-12 23:10

According to Benjamin, the contemporary decay of aura can be traced to the masses increasing need to bring things closer spatially, to physically have or hold an object or image. This need has lead to an overall change in the public’s perception of artistic value. This change has most directly affected the public’s wiliness to compensate availability for uniqueness, to accept the convenient reproduction rather then to find an original.

One question, I know we are supposed to be analyzing the content and not criticizing the author, but I was wondering why this, very intellectual piece of writing was full of grammatical errors. It doesn’t really take away from it (for me anyway) it is just a little odd.

How does the reproduction of art affect it’s (artistic) worth?
-Justas Osmer

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