Published on Creating a Conceptual Framework for Images (http://www2.evergreen.edu/ccfi)

Art and Music

By hamtar16
Created 2007-02-19 18:33

Air Guitar: Part One                             

    American culture is a complicated topic, especially if you are speaking about it over time. Everything is connected. Art, music, drugs, politics… In Dave Hickey’s chapter titled “The Delicacy of Rock-and-Roll” he states that music is necessity to art but art is not a necessity of music. “…Could rock-and-roll exist without Warhol? Yep. And could Andy Warhol exist without rock-and-roll? I don’t think so.” Is he right? Music seems to reach more and affect more people then art does. It seems that “music is the dominant art form”. But the real question is could one live with out the other?
-Taryn Hammer

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