Published on Creating a Conceptual Framework for Images (http://www2.evergreen.edu/ccfi)

Love Songs

By motcar14
Created 2007-02-19 19:39

"It is hard to find someone you love who loves you- but you can begin at least by finding someone who loves your love song."- p. 16

At first I was apprehensive about Hikey's "Why?"  in why all pop songs are about love, I wrote something in the margin that read- "do you really wonder WHY about this, are you a fucking idiot they are POP songs." I said this because what is the one thing everyone can relate to except for breathing is love, but holy shit did Hikey redeem himself with his concluding statement. I want to write about each of these essays but i won't. Pontormo's Rainbow was extremely stimulating to me, this man had convinced me to trust his opinions because of his cynicism, is this weird? I like his psychoanalysis of why kids laugh at the mouse being run over by the lawn mower it could not be more true ,and I have never spent any time to pause and think about this. On the other hand I am not to intrueged by his writings on psychedelics, (although he did talk about the 13th floor elevators) the quotes like, "tripping in the sixties was perceived as less bad than weird and dangerous to the weak of spirit"  made me want to vomit and/or kill myself. I am not interested in Hikey's psychedelic experiences but am interested in his ideas of cultural icon's muses such as andy Warhol with out rockn'roll. I also want to add something else funny from this chapter where he asks if Pollok is high art, oh yeah Pollok is high art (and why the hell does he have to mention Pollok in EVERY essay) OK but this was what I was thinking about, my friend and I were scanning thorough the Television and stumbled across, MTV's "CRIBS" featuring badass himself Mr. Hugh Hefner and in his living room he has many high/pop art paintings and prints on his walls including Pollok, and then my friend and I wondered, does Hugh Hefner really like Pollok or did some person tell him that rich people like Pollok, or rich people should own far out shit like Pollok, or that’s worth a shit ton of money- or no really DOES HUGH HEFNER REALLY LIKE POLLOK?? And then Hikey said something about taste, "A good taste is residue of someone else's privilege." (54) This is where I got pretty into my head, LOUIS VITON BAGS ARE UGLY OK! just because they are thousands of dollars doesn't make them pretty they look like trash- or like an old lady bag. And Giorgio Armani looks like one of the scariest men alive, if I woke up with him on the foot of my bed I would have a heart attack. So how does some one like Giorgio Armani who looks really scary classy? Hikey say's, "bad taste is real taste." I guess that's true. I'm not going to drop thousands of dollars on a ugly bag though because some rich person has it? I am confused. 

Also he talks about being an art dealer and defends himself tremendously, that he wasn't really intrested in making money, well what was he interested in? I feel like I wish I asked that art dealer more questions, because he looks like he can fend for himself really well- (I mean he had really nice taste like the expensive clothing he was wearing) OK so why would he not like to refer to art as an investment when that is how he wears his tasty clothing? 

And again does Hugh Heffner really like Pollok?


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