"Well, a bunch of citizens made some objects that other citizens thought looked great. Still other citizens thought they could make them look even greater and manifested their dissent by customizing these object. Other citizens thought these new objects did indeed look greater. They argued with advocates of the previous objects, and since these objects didn't do anything, weren't worth anything, and came without labels or instructions, people were actually arguing about the values they perceived to be embodied in these objects, values they held dearly enough to argue about and invest in."(71)
I thought that Hickeys analytical yet somewhat cynical concept of art is, with a lack of better words, amazing. I was thoroughly impressed with his analysis of the early auto art in America. I have never personally considered this to be an art form, but when he goes on to explain what automobiles represented to the american youth in the fifties and sixties, to me it is a reflection of what American youth today are trying to accomplish with graffiti art. I like how he related the early American auto art to "the emblem of the automobile as an embodiment of the promise of America- as an icon of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness"(70). Most of all what i liked about Hickey is how he found art in things that sometimes artists dismiss as pop culture, such as cars, cartoons, Jazz music, the Las Vegas Strip,and Liberace...