Published on Creating a Conceptual Framework for Images (http://www2.evergreen.edu/ccfi)

Hickey, well done.

By harian14
Created 2007-02-26 21:27

    I must say that as I was reading Hickey, I found myself enjoying the “Air Guitar” chapter very much as soon as I started it.  The thing that got me right into it was how Hickey is willing to give himself shit right off the bat.  “Colleagues of min e will tell you that people despise critics because they fear our power.  But I know better.  People despise critics because people despise weakness, and criticism is the weakest thing you can so with writing.”  (163) I find Hickey’s tongue in cheek writing to be very refreshing to the typical art theory authors.  His insight is brought to the page very well.  I just realized that I’m critiquing a piece of writing that is challenging criticism.  Damn.  Also, I can’t get enough of that “the everyday things can be amazing” stuff he goes on about.  Thinking of the Ramones while listening to a jackhammer slap the pavement.  Hickey, well done.

-Ian Harrison

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