Published on Creating a Conceptual Framework for Images (http://www2.evergreen.edu/ccfi)

Air Guitar Kurtis Olson week 8

By olskur27
Created 2007-02-27 01:01

I have never heard an art critic put it so perfectly yet so simple as Hickey has stated “I would like to see some art that is courageously silly and frivolous, that cannot be construed as anything else. I would like a bunch of twenty-three-year-old troublemakers to become so enthusiastic, so noisy, and so involved in some stupid, seductive, destructive brand of visual culture that I would feel called upon to rise up in righteous indignation, spewing vitriol, to bemoan the arrogance and self-indulgence of the younger generation and all of its artifacts”. (209) No one is so cultured and so worldly to comment or understand any subject in its totality. I think that an artist can only understand that they can never completely understand. A really great artist understands this and understands that they can only comment on what little they do know.


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