Published on Creating a Conceptual Framework for Images (http://www2.evergreen.edu/ccfi)


By dankam12
Created 2007-02-27 10:04

In joint Alexis's response, Art is completely driven by popular culture. Art is just like a fad, when something hits it big in the art world, everything like it goes up in value, and people will do all they can to collect art that fits in the fad. When a popular artist makes some art piece, the art price is only going up dude to the fact that the piece was in a high-class museum.

Art, as much as we hate to say it is just another consumer market like clothes or music. Not in all cases, but in most. People look for the thing that is most "surreal, and abstract," and often, its what is popular at that time. I'm not saying artists create works that they think the public will want to purchase, what they will actually take the time and money to invest in and bother going to a gallery for. If they have to tweak their art to achieve that, chances are that most after failure, will look for ways to do market toward what is "preferred and/or commercial."

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