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air guitar weeks 7-9

By sanshe07
Created 2007-03-05 20:11

this is for the whole book

first off i love this book it is really interesting to read it has a 1990's pagean kennedy feel to it. the first story home in neon made me excited to read more.  define culture. I really loved the little church of perry mason I also having been a huge fan of perry mason when i was a kid and agian when i was unemployed found this story interesting. I love that perry mason is compared to rock and roll, and church these are two things that i identify with strongly. we are all guilty of something. maybe perry mason is why i have a problem trusting people i am from the generation that was entirly raised on tv and that is where we got our facts.  I like the last line in the book Then , when the floors are correct, I will really be free. we all know that the floors will never be perfect so the pleasant young man will never be free.


sherda sanders

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