I really appreciate that this book was a part of our reading. Could it be simply that I have an aversion to critisim in any kind? could it be that I like to have fun in any instance? Why yes...yes it could. Although I love the idea of conceptual framework.....for images (hehe), I love even more the idea of inclusiveness. That is to say, let us look at all sides and let us look at them unbiased and with an open mind. Let's just have some fuckin fun people! Art is chaotic on a whole so don't get caught up in it. People can act like they know exactly what they're talking about but it's all in their head. Art created by person is entirely personal and if you see it as art....by god, it is art.
quote for the day, "don't worry about the world ending today, because it's already tomorrow in japan..." that really has nothing to do with anything but I really like it. hehe