Published on Creating a Conceptual Framework for Images (http://www2.evergreen.edu/ccfi)

Response to the Installation book reading

By knemar26
Created 2007-01-15 22:07

How do we create sensory active installations without handing the viewer all the information and still making them think critically about the work?

What makes an installation active and how do we incorporate static elements in an active work?

“The Encounter with a work of contemporary art should not make the viewer ask, “What is it about, but how do I feel?” Installation art in the new Millennium, This quote describes the link between what the viewer takes from the piece and what the artist puts into it. I noticed the first few chapters of the book touched on such interesting topics as the new trend of self-obsession in society, for instance the person of the year in time magazine being “You”, the mobility of installation art and how important sight is, and interpretation being based on audience participation. I like the idea that “participation should not substitute for interpretation” and ultimately not give the viewer a chance to think for themselves. I also am pondering the question how much sensory experience is too much? The audience is an integral part of the installation as well as the sight that it is put up in. The same work that is put in a public park will receive a completely different context and audience from the piece presented in a museum or gallery. I liked the ideas of the London based group “Blast Theory” and their piece "kidnap" for its play with new cultural media and complete viewer participation where the viewer literally becomes the piece.

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