Published on Creating a Conceptual Framework for Images (http://www2.evergreen.edu/ccfi)

Installtion art

By osmjus15
Created 2007-01-16 01:59

In-between all the concepts I ether didn't relate to, didn't understand, or the ones I disregarded as nonsensical artsy gibberish (i.e. space non-space, what the hell is that about? just because some vague description applies to one space and not another doesn't make it any less a space.) I found a few concepts in this weeks seminar reading to be vary interesting. For example The cultural shift referred to by British author J.G. Ballard "Our homes are slowly tuning into TV studios, full of electronic equipment...designed to make us the star,script-writer,director of our own mini-drama." (p.22) The resent shift towards the use of multimedia, effects us both artistically and personally; in that it gives us a whole new array of tools, to use to our creative advantage. But also gives us the ability to be entertained without having the think and the ability to create seemingly good or interesting work, without the use of talent or creativity what so ever (the reason, I assume we are not encouraged to use filters in photoshop and imovie.)

‹ 1st week [0]Location of installations and their purpose › [0]

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