Published on Creating a Conceptual Framework for Images (http://www2.evergreen.edu/ccfi)

week 1

By hamtar16
Created 2007-01-16 13:16

Installation art is not a term that all artists or art related people use. Installation seems to have formed its own genera. It was the next step that art made after just hanging images and paintings on the wall. Installation is so different than just a painting or a photograph that in many cases people wouldn’t call it art but what else do you call it?
“Installation Art in the New Millennium” shows installation as an art and how artists used it to push art to a new level. Artists have taken art beyond four walls and moved it to any place possible. Pieces such as Keith Wilson’s Puddle, and Francis Alys’s When Faith Moves Mountains are great examples. This book really expresses the fact that art is constantly moving in a new direction.
-Taryn Hammer

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