This book in some areas read more like a science fiction novel than anything else. I really didn't care for the way it was written. Not only did I feel like I was trying to disect a Talking Heads song after every paragraph, but the authors came off as boastfully snobby. As for the content, and if it were only the bare bones content I might have appreciated this reading immensly, due to the tremendous artists spotlighted here. The artist which most caught my attention was Olafur Eliasson. His work, Things You Cannot See, simulated a natural phenomena to create art using optical illusions and natural sources. This idea, which although is presented in a totally unique maner by Eliasson, seems to use the same tactics to present themes as many installation artists of the new millenium. For instance it is very common, especially among those mentioned in the reading to integrate science into art as to portray an artistic representation. In the new millenium technology and science, as seen from the reading, will play an integral role in all artistic endevors.