ARCHIVE - Creating a Conceptual Framework for Images - Week 9 en ARCHIVE - drugs drugs <p>Since everybody else decided to post about drugs, I guess I will give in to peer pressure.  THat was supposed to be ironic.. ha.  I don&#39;t think it is cheating as an artist to use drugs as an enhancement.  We talked about athlete&#39;s using steroid&#39;s, but that seems different.  hallucinogens simply enhance what an artist is already thinking about, but seeing it from a different angle.</p> <p>-Candice </p> Week 9 Mon, 19 Mar 2007 23:01:37 -0700 taycan04 363 at ARCHIVE - Week Nine <p class="MsoNormal"><span><span style="font-size: 13.3333px" class="Apple-style-span">I didn&#39;t even think to post anything for week 9 because we weren&#39;t assigned any new reading. </span></span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span><span style="font-size: 13.3333px" class="Apple-style-span">A bit more about Hickey, just in case...</span></span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span><span style="font-size: 13.3333px" class="Apple-style-span">After viewing Ryan Hudgin&#39;s video installation and hearing Steve relate it to Warhol&#39;s film &quot;Haircut,&quot; I revisited the chapter &quot;Delicacy of Rock-and-Roll.&quot; The film simply focuses on a man&#39;s head and a barber&#39;s hand with scissors cutting the man&#39;s hair. &quot;We couldn&#39;t fucking believe it. This was really boring. Mesmerizing, too, of course, but not mesmerizing enough to keep us from moaning...Still we watched and it just went on and on,&quot; (97) says Hickey of the film. I wasn&#39;t bored of Ryan&#39;s installation, but it had a mesmerizing quality to it. Even though it was looped, I kept staring and I felt a little hypnotized. I definitely see the parallel. I have been trying to find that Warhol video on the Internet, but unfortunately I couldn&#39;t find it. Ryan, you should totally put your clips on YouTube or something though. Do it! NOW.</span></span></p> <p><a href="">read more</a></p> Week 9 Mon, 19 Mar 2007 00:09:16 -0700 hailau12 359 at ARCHIVE - Air guitar <p>Criticism really is the weakest form of writing, or speaking for that matter. I like the way Hikey puts is “It produces no knowledge, sates no facts, and never stands alone.” <br />I found Air Guitar (the essay) especially relevant to me personally because I’m usually over critical. I also find writing difficult, so I generally end up resorting to criticism. I realize this, which is the only reason I haven’t used these forum postings to pick apart all of our past reading rather than making a poor attempt to analyzed them. </p> Week 9 Sat, 17 Mar 2007 14:57:58 -0700 osmjus15 357 at ARCHIVE - Air Guitar wrap <p>With the close culmination of the past two quarters with so much focus on conceptual art, it is nice to hear the literal views of Hickey.  Art to me is how we express whats going on in our minds to relate it with other people.  I think finding the right medium to express these feelings will always be a mystery to me.  Speech, writing, gestures, everything we do is essentially art.  I feel that the debate of whether or not something is art is completey absurd.  The discussion in seminar about food being art and I think this topic goes back to the whole survival thing.  We need certain thi</p> <p><a href="">read more</a></p> Week 9 Fri, 16 Mar 2007 14:22:56 -0700 chijes12 356 at ARCHIVE - music love <p>  For the past few years I have been having a constant discussion with my self about today’s mainstream music scene. Why is it that all the popular top ten hits, which generate millions of dollars, are all love songs? Honestly, do musicians have nothing to talk about other then the love lives or there lack of one and why do we love and pay so much to hear about them. What is it about love songs that make us crazy for them and memorize every single little lyric that the artist wrote? There’s so much more to life that could be put into a 3 set chorus with a catchy tune like paying the rent on time or getting a free thing of lube.</p> <p><a href="">read more</a></p> Week 9 Mon, 12 Mar 2007 17:22:08 -0700 wolale13 310 at ARCHIVE - Week 9 Response <p>This isn&#39;t about Air Guitar really, because I&#39;ve moved on to other thoughts in art that are valid in this discussion space.</p> <p> I went and saw India Poised: For Sale By Owner, which was put on by the program at Evergreen that went to India. During the performance, I inevitably slipped into the mindset of wondering what installations and art projects could reiterate the messages that they were giving about the issues with class, caste, and religion, and the culture of India.<br /> It got me to the point of realizing that impoverished nations really don&#39;t know about or give a shit about these abstracted forms of art, especially the ones that are so encoded in themselves to portray a message of this or that. This led to a self-induced guilt trip about doing an installation art piece about my bedroom and doing installation in general. There are portions of art projects and installations that are supposed to help people, but those poverty masses really don&#39;t see it as art. They just see it as something helping them in possibly an abstract way.</p> <p> Its so strange how I can care so much about something like Installation Art while other people could never culturally wrap their mind around it as a priority. If I was living in garbage-ridden streets with no food and without clean water, I would never give a shit about the art world and going to galleries.</p> <p><a href="">read more</a></p> Week 9 Sun, 11 Mar 2007 15:42:27 -0700 selcol15 308 at ARCHIVE - We talked a lot about drugs today <p>In the spirit of the heavy discussion of drugs today and how they relate to art I’ve decided to post a few quotes on the subject from the great performer, Bill Hicks.  Enjoy.</p> <p>“Your denial is beneath you, and thanks to the use of hallucinogenic drugs, I see through you.”</p> <p>&quot;This is your brain.&quot; I&#39;ve seen a lot of weird shit on drugs. I have never ever ever ever EVER looked at a fucking egg and thought it was a brain.”</p> <p>“That&#39;s an act, that&#39;s a frying pan, that&#39;s a stove, you&#39;re an alcoholic! Dude, I&#39;m tripping right now, and I still see that that&#39;s a fucking egg, alright? I see the UFO&#39;s around it, but that&#39;s a goddamn egg in the middle. There&#39;s a hobbit eating it, but goddammit that hobbit&#39;s eating a fucking egg! He&#39;s on a unicorn. But, no, th-th-th-that&#39;s a fucking egg. How dare you have a wino tell me not to do drugs!”</p> <p><a href="">read more</a></p> Week 9 Tue, 06 Mar 2007 22:22:50 -0800 harian14 304 at ARCHIVE - post 4 nine <p>air guitar-</p> <p>Art, such a selfish endeavor. Spending countless hours creating something that really has no meaning to someone else or not enough meaning. Why is there this motivation to make things that do nothing more than make a space more enjoyable? There are so many artists, where is this will coming from? What if this time was put into feeding the starving or planting trees? Well I guess that is where the artists who do make the world a better place come in. They are not spending their time trying to please the &quot;tin saints&quot; and be in the art scene. Like Joseph Bueys who created a free international university and planted 7,000 for an &quot;art project&quot;.</p> <p><a href="">read more</a></p> Week 9 Tue, 06 Mar 2007 09:51:28 -0800 hamtar16 303 at ARCHIVE - posting <p>I am not sure if we are suppose to post this week or not.</p> <p>-Dana Gillespie</p> Week 9 Tue, 06 Mar 2007 09:41:32 -0800 gildan02 302 at ARCHIVE - This is the last of hickey <p>Well I guess I&#39;m supposed to post again this week, since others have. I&#39;m not sure how to sum up my experiences reading this book in a way I have not already done, so I guess I&#39;ll use this forum topic to discuss the social construction of psychedelia. </p> <p>I have always believed this was true: that moments under the influence of psychedelic drugs, no matter how &quot;open-minded&quot; the recipient, are largely reflections of amassed, socially construed and politically galvanized aspirations for those moments. They are also deeper, meditative revelations about the psyche of a culture. </p> <p><a href="">read more</a></p> Week 9 Tue, 06 Mar 2007 07:47:39 -0800 brotab05 301 at