Week 2 Responce
When you walk down the street, say after a nice rain. You notice all kinds of puddles right? You may be annoyed since your foot was just immersed in it, and your shoes are now soaked, but that's all. When somebody sees a puddle, decides to make an art piece out of it, and "installs it" somewhere else, is it art? Do you have a right to be offended?
The art pieces with the artists taking their room, and "opening them to the public" of sorts. It gets annoying because it doesn't say anything. It's not installation. Most of the time, they're just trying to hard it seems to be "avant-gard" and do things where you wonder if it's art, or if its just some strange idea they got lots of money thrown at them to do?
The installation book was very interesting, but it seemed to concentrate on a lot of works I'm not sure are book worthy. I mean, every art piece means something, and has its own beauty, but art like that, is the artist trying to say something, or just doing it for shock value, and to be weird for the sake of weird?