Week 9 Response

Submitted by selcol15 on Sun, 2007-03-11 15:42.

This isn't about Air Guitar really, because I've moved on to other thoughts in art that are valid in this discussion space.

I went and saw India Poised: For Sale By Owner, which was put on by the program at Evergreen that went to India. During the performance, I inevitably slipped into the mindset of wondering what installations and art projects could reiterate the messages that they were giving about the issues with class, caste, and religion, and the culture of India.
It got me to the point of realizing that impoverished nations really don't know about or give a shit about these abstracted forms of art, especially the ones that are so encoded in themselves to portray a message of this or that. This led to a self-induced guilt trip about doing an installation art piece about my bedroom and doing installation in general. There are portions of art projects and installations that are supposed to help people, but those poverty masses really don't see it as art. They just see it as something helping them in possibly an abstract way.

Its so strange how I can care so much about something like Installation Art while other people could never culturally wrap their mind around it as a priority. If I was living in garbage-ridden streets with no food and without clean water, I would never give a shit about the art world and going to galleries.


Is art selfish? Are even community art projects masterbatory? Why is the result of Indias democracy preventing art?