Week four response
In one sense it makes sense to view art in a sterile enviornment, free from distraction and preconcieved notions based upon location and presentation. It allows you to really focus on the piece and extract the true meaning behind the piece its self. One the other hand though I think that to truely understand any art piece it needs to be presented in a manner in that the environment speeks to the piece. The choice of presentation often puts the piece into context for the viewer. I don't think that every piece beongs in a gallery. I think that the gallery often times hinders the art and the meaning and purpose behind it. To truely understand any art piece the viewer needs to understand where it came from and why. Although I will say that sometimes I would rather have my art kept in the sterile and controlled enviornment rather than out on the street where it is guarenteed to be destroyed either by the weather, especially here in Washingtion, by vandals, or by the city.
Do artists create different work when they know it is going to be displayed in a gallery rather than in a public space?
Alan DuVall