Week one forum responce

Submitted by hilall08 on Tue, 2007-01-16 04:12.

In responding to this weeks reading with the realization that there are as many reasons for installations as there are artists in the world, I do wonder whether the temporary aspects of the site-specific installation render the work less expressive?  

As we continue to learn to how to peal back the layers of life in looking for our reasons why we do art we find that life rarely exposes its simple secrets to the un-interested and occasional viewer.  It is only when we begin to circle the event horizon of that place where artists go for their visual voice that we begin to see that, yes, installations art in its own right can and does exist on multiple levels and dimensions.   

  with the realization that the concept of art and specifically Installation art is a symbolic dialect, I feel that an installation’s qualification is only contingent on the viewer’s interaction with it.  I question that if a person likes an installation and however as much as they try, he/she cannot understand the references the piece is conveying, is the work still effectual?