weeky six
David Shannon
So...I mainly focused on the part of the reading differentiating stage acting and film acting. It explains that film acting is the same as stage except audience is replaced by a mechanical device (camera.....duh). These two types of acting are entirely different. On a stage the actor must explode his voice in order to be heard. In a film the camera basically shows us what to look at (sort of like a gallery) and in doing this helps us focus. Also the actor doesn't have to scream to be heard like on a stage. In stage acting the actor can identify himself completely with his character. It is hard for film actors to do this seeing as the filming is not just one long take but done in mountable episodes (non sequential filming most of the time). IN this reading it sort of says that the art is created by camera in a film. Being in both stage plays and films, i can say first hand it is much harder to act in front of a camera because of non linear shooting. Stage plays and films are different in multiple aspects and it is hard to compare and contrast.
As society gets more and more technilogically advanced it becomes easier to recreate. But this doesn't take everything away from art. In fact, does it not add and maybe compliment art?
What is wrong with reproduction of art? Reproduction creates a bigger voice for artists and brings it to people who would usually not see it.
Why do we always want to be unique in our creation? Instead of creating to be the first and only...why don't we just create to create and maybe then you'll be the first by accident...who cares?