King's Lakes Bog
Submitted by moomar16 on Fri, 2006-12-01 21:38.
Research Links for King Lakes Bog, King County, WA
[link] Plants in and around the Bog | [link] Washington State's Natural Areas (I think this is Jim on page 3; not certain) | [link] Chapter 2: Physical Characteristics of Sphagnum Dominated Peatlands in Western Washington
Other Information
"This site, totaling 309 acres, preserves sphagnum bogs and a 2 acre "eyelet" pond, which represent ecosystems that are now extremely rare in the Puget Trough. (Eyelet ponds are open water areas bounded by a quaking mat of sphagnum peat). The site protects populations of few-flowered sedge, a state Sensitive plant, Hatch's click beetle, and Beller's ground beetle, both state Threatened animal species only found in very good condition sphagnum bogs." (text and photo source: [link]).