Analytical Chemistry
[link] [1] Chemical detection methods for everyone!
[link] [2] Water on the Web
[link] [3] Spectroscopy Magazine
[link] [4] Cascade Research - a company founded by an old instructor of mine. This guy is a genious!
[link] [5] USGS Groundwater techniques, methods, and models
Chemistry Software
[link] [6] American Chemical Society: Division of Analytical Chemistry
[link] [7] ISIS Draw
[link] [8] Molgen - I have not played with this program too often, however it will produce isomers of various compounds based on a molecular formula. Too cool!
[link] [9] Page full of useful chemistry freeware
Professional Groups and Organizations
[link] [10] Geological Society of America
[link] [11] Oregon Lakes Association
[link] [12] American Geological Institute
[link] [13] USGS Organic GeoChemistry Research
[link] [14] PSU Center for Lakes and Ponds
[link] [15] Aqueous GeoChemistry abstracts from a GSA meeting
[link] [16] HUGE page on GeoChemistry. It's everything you may have ever wanted...
[link] [17] The GeoChemical Society
[link] [18] Biological Soil Crust
[link] [19] C.W. Fetter's Applied Hydrogeology
[link] [20] NOAA Hydrology
[link] [21] Journal of Environmental Hydrology - articles available free and online
Seawater Chemistry
[link] [22] The Periodic Table with seawater additions
Colleges and Universties
[link] [23] Purdue - do I have to say more...
[link] [24] Oregon State Universtiy - Department of Geosciences
[link] [25] University of Washington - Earth and Space Sciences
[link] [26] Yale
[link] [27] WA Department of Ecology - Everything you ever wanted to know on WA State lakes
[link] [28] Find just about any laboratory method
Spatial Data Sources
[link] [29] US Fish and Wildlife
[link] [30] WA State Dept. of Ecology
[link] [31] Nationwode State Data
[link] [32] Puget Sound LIDAR Consortium
[link] [33] LIDAR, Ifsar download
[link] [34] WA Geospatial archive
[link] [35] Mineral Resources Spatial Data
[link] [36] USGS Mineral Resources
[link] [37] WA 10-meter DEM's
[link] [38] DNR Spatial data
[link] [39] Free Geo, GIS software - Includes e00 conversion software (Import71).
[link] [40] Geospatial data for WA State
[link] [41] National (great for environmental data)
[link] [42] WSU spatial data sources
[link] [43] WSDOT spatial data
[link] [44] WA State hydrography
[link] [45] GeoCommunity
[link] [46] Thurston Couny Geodata