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Alina KretzAlina was born in Seattle in the spring of 1985. She was the third and final child born to her parents, and was taken home to her loving brother and sister on Bainbridge Island. She has always been an outgoing child, often pegged as a "tom-boy". As a child she prided herself in climbing the trees higher than any of the boys, and loved to play in the dirt. Alina's favorite childhood memories involve being outdoors and running in empty fields. As she grew older she saw many of her favorite places become developments. She has always mourned the loss of nature's playgrounds. As a teenager, Alina began to spend time in her own garden, originally helping her mother with existing plants. Ultimately, she began building vegetable gardens and composting. She now has many vegetable gardens taking over her mother's backyard. Over the last summer Alina began working at a local nursery, where she is constantly learning about plants. She also interned at a local outdoor educational center, IslandWood, working with children in a unique environment. She learned an immense amount of knowledge about the native plants, and wildlife, and yearned to learn even more. This fall, Alina began Healing Gardens, and this winter is excited to continue the adventure! My Creation Story In the beginning hippos were very small peaceful plant eating creatures. They thrived in water and mud holes. They were happy and playful with little to worry about. The hippos were abundant and common. One day the alligator came and demanded the hippo give them there water hole. The hippos felt this was rude and wanted to discuss the issue, and find a compromise. Sadly, the larger meat eating alligators who wanted their way. They refused to talk to the hippos! This led to a long conflict between the hippos and alligators and the brutal massacres of the hippos. After awhile, the alligator had killed most of the hippos. This is when the Great Negotiator came to visit. He was very upset with the gators. Because the hippos had suffered for so long he made them humongous, and nearly impossible to kill. This is why the large plant eating creature has no natural predators,and why the alligators and hippos live together in the same mud holes with much less conflict. This can show that vegans and meat eaters can live together! Yay!
Alina Kretz
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