Future Plans for the Garden

We hope that the medicinal beds will be built using sustainable materials. Instead of viewing treated wood as the only option we would like to offer a few alternatives:

We have found a cedar that has been downed in the December wind storm and are in the process of finding a place for it to be milled. We are hoping to keep all work done within Evergreen and hoping to get a portable miller to help with the milling process. Other ideas have been to mill some of the cedar by hand to maintain the handi-craft nature of relations between people and plant and plant and place. The cedar future and nature of the cedar's transition from tree to plant bed is still up in the air and a resolution will hopefully be found in spring quarter. 

Future plans we would like to see implemented are:
-plant signs
-kiosk for the Longhouse garden/habitat sites
-a place to gather and sit near the sayuyay sister garden (floor seating and bench seating)
There is a red alder with a "sitting log" in the north east corner of the site that can be developed into a seating area. 
-develop a mushroom log or bale with edible and medicinal mushrooms such as shitake, oysters, maitake
-medicine making workshops
-research plant procurement and seed propagation
-creation of dye garden (with potential for dye making workshops)

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