Mind Gardens - Week 7

Mind gardens I have been struggling to keep up here.  There are so many things going on all at once in this class.  If that was all, it would be great, but there is also work, life, home.  Not to mention two other classes.  I am learning so much, but still feel behind.  It got me to thinking about our mind and bodies being gardens, along with plants.  Our minds and bodies so importantly need to be tended to daily.  Just like with plants, we need our own kind of fertilizer (food), and we need to know what to put in our bodies to keep them working properly and not degrade.  In addition, we need to keep our minds in good function as to keep good balance.  Mental stress and degradation lead to physical stress and degradation, and visa versa.  All gardens are good if maintained properly and for the right reasons.  I suppose if you were growing a garden of poisonous plants to use in hurting someone - that could be considered a bad garden.  We could look at children as a garden too.  They must be nurtured and tended also.  This could go either way, depending on what the gardener does with their responsibility.  Most gardens start out with the right intentions; they just need to be maintained with love, guidance, and proper nourishment (both physically and mentally).

Tracy Wilson
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