Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)

Karen Lawson Biography

I am 52 years old and at this time in my life I am working through the midlife, empty nest, what am I really doing here years. I've been married for 33 years to my best friend, it is awesome to be able to have time alone together since our children have left home. I have a son who is 30 and a daughter who is 26. My son is married he sells cars and my daughter is engaged and she is an artist. I don't have grandchildren and my kids tell me they aren't going to have children but we will see. I really miss my children being at home and I realize this transition will take time.

I have been going to school for a long,long time on and off for almost 35 years. I am going to graduate this June. I started back in ernest in the year 2000 after raising my kids and burying my parents.. I grew up in Southern California, Huntington Beach, but we moved to Shelton about 16 years ago because we were tired of so many people. But, Huntington Beach the way it was in the 70's is still my favorite place.

Middle age is really an experience. I am using this time to go back to do the things I started to do before I got married and had children. Gardening was one thing I really loved to do. When my son was little I used to take care of the plants at some of the resturants in New Port Beach. I would carry him in my back pack. When I couldn't carry him and do this type work any longer I worked in a plant store teaching people how to grow plants in a green house for resale.

Now that my children are grown I find myself putting all that nurturing into my garden. I live north of Shelton on a lake on a half acre. I want to grow more fruits and vegetables this year. Landscape my brothers newly built house and sell at our local farmers market this year.

I am really looking forward to what I will learn in this class.

Karen Lawson

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